Adam Kaczmarek
Named Entity Recognition and Linking Augmented with Large-Scale Structured Data
Paweł Rychlikowski
Bartłomiej Najdecki
Adrian Lancucki
Adam Kaczmarek
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing
In this paper we describe our submissions to the 2nd and 3rd SlavNER Shared Tasks held at BSNLP 2019 and BSNLP 2021, respectively. The tasks focused on the analysis of Named Entities in multilingual Web documents in Slavic languages with rich inflection. Our solution takes advantage of large collections of both unstructured and structured documents. The former serve as data for unsupervised training of language models and embeddings of lexical units. The latter refers to Wikipedia and its structured counterpart - Wikidata, our source of lemmatization rules, and real-world entities. With the aid of those resources, our system could recognize, normalize and link entities, while being trained with only small amounts of labeled data.
Evaluation of Coreference Resolution Tools for Polish from the Information Extraction Perspective
Adam Kaczmarek
Michał Marcińczuk
The 5th Workshop on Balto-Slavic Natural Language Processing