Aditya Malte
Team_Swift at SemEval-2020 Task 9: Tiny Data Specialists through Domain-Specific Pre-training on Code-Mixed Data
Aditya Malte
Pratik Bhavsar
Sushant Rathi
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
Code-mixing is an interesting phenomenon where the speaker switches between two or more languages in the same text. In this paper, we describe an unconventional approach to tackling the SentiMix Hindi-English challenge (UID: aditya_malte). Instead of directly fine-tuning large contemporary Transformer models, we train our own domain-specific embeddings and make use of them for downstream tasks. We also discuss how this technique provides comparable performance while making for a much more deployable and lightweight model. It should be noted that we have achieved the stated results without using any ensembling techniques, thus respecting a paradigm of efficient and production-ready NLP. All relevant source code shall be made publicly available to encourage the usage and reproduction of the results.