Adityo Anggraito
A Multi-Pass Sieve Coreference Resolution for Indonesian
Valentina Kania Prameswara Artari
Rahmad Mahendra
Meganingrum Arista Jiwanggi
Adityo Anggraito
Indra Budi
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing (RANLP 2021)
Coreference resolution is an NLP task to find out whether the set of referring expressions belong to the same concept in discourse. A multi-pass sieve is a deterministic coreference model that implements several layers of sieves, where each sieve takes a pair of correlated mentions from a collection of non-coherent mentions. The multi-pass sieve is based on the principle of high precision, followed by increased recall in each sieve. In this work, we examine the portability of the multi-pass sieve coreference resolution model to the Indonesian language. We conduct the experiment on 201 Wikipedia documents and the multi-pass sieve system yields 72.74% of MUC F-measure and 52.18% of BCUBED F-measure.