Aleksandra Martynova
Multi-source synthetic treebank creation for improved cross-lingual dependency parsing
Francis Tyers
Mariya Sheyanova
Aleksandra Martynova
Pavel Stepachev
Konstantin Vinogorodskiy
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018)
This paper describes a method of creating synthetic treebanks for cross-lingual dependency parsing using a combination of machine translation (including pivot translation), annotation projection and the spanning tree algorithm. Sentences are first automatically translated from a lesser-resourced language to a number of related highly-resourced languages, parsed and then the annotations are projected back to the lesser-resourced language, leading to multiple trees for each sentence from the lesser-resourced language. The final treebank is created by merging the possible trees into a graph and running the spanning tree algorithm to vote for the best tree for each sentence. We present experiments aimed at parsing Faroese using a combination of Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. In a similar experimental setup to the CoNLL 2018 shared task on dependency parsing we report state-of-the-art results on dependency parsing for Faroese using an off-the-shelf parser.