Alexander Geyken


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A database of German definitory contexts from selected web sources
Adrien Barbaresi | Lothar Lemnitzer | Alexander Geyken
Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018)


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A tool for extracting sense-disambiguated example sentences through user feedback
Beto Boullosa | Richard Eckart de Castilho | Alexander Geyken | Lothar Lemnitzer | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the Software Demonstrations of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

This paper describes an application system aimed to help lexicographers in the extraction of example sentences for a given headword based on its different senses. The tool uses classification and clustering methods and incorporates user feedback to refine its results.


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LexikoNet - a lexical database based on type and role hierarchies
Alexander Geyken | Norbert Schrader
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)

In this paper LexikoNet, a large lexical ontology of German nouns is presented. Unlike GermaNet and the Princeton WordNet, LexikoNet has distinguished type and role hypernyms right from the outset and organizes those lexemes in a parallel, independent hierarchy. In addition to roles and types, LexikoNet uses meronymic and holonymic relations as well as the instance relation. LexikoNet is based on a conceptual hierarchy of currently 1,470 classes to which approximately 90,000 word senses taken from a large German monolingual dictionary, the W\"orterbuch der deutschen Gegenwartssprache (WDG), are attached. The conceptual classes provide a useful degree of abstraction for the lexicographic description of selectional restrictions, thus making LexikoNet a useful filtering tool for corpus based lexicographic analysis. LexikoNet is currently used in-house as a filter for lexicographic extraction tasks in the DWDS project. Furthermore, it is used as a classification tool of the “words of the week” provided for the newspaper Die ZEIT on


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Bootstrapping a Database of German Multi-word Expressions
Alexander Geyken
Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’04)

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A Corpus-based Lexical Resource of German Idioms
Gerald Neumann | Christiane Fellbaum | Alexander Geyken | Axel Herold | Christiane Hümmer | Fabian Körner | Undine Kramer | Kerstin Krell | Alexey Sokirko | Diana Stantcheva | Ekatherini Stathi
Proceedings of the Workshop on Enhancing and Using Electronic Dictionaries