Alexandru Enache


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SuteAlbastre at SemEval-2024 Task 4: Predicting Propaganda Techniques in Multilingual Memes using Joint Text and Vision Transformers
Ion Anghelina | Gabriel Buță | Alexandru Enache
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

The main goal of this year’s SemEval Task 4 isdetecting the presence of persuasion techniquesin various meme formats. While Subtask 1targets text-only posts, Subtask 2, subsectionsa and b tackle posts containing both imagesand captions. The first 2 subtasks consist ofmulti-class and multi-label classifications, inthe context of a hierarchical taxonomy of 22different persuasion techniques.This paper proposes a solution for persuasiondetection in both these scenarios and for vari-ous languages of the caption text. Our team’smain approach consists of a Multimodal Learn-ing Neural Network architecture, having Tex-tual and Vision Transformers as its backbone.The models that we have experimented with in-clude EfficientNet and ViT as visual encodersand BERT and GPT2 as textual encoders.