Ali Saffar
Ghmerti at SemEval-2019 Task 6: A Deep Word- and Character-based Approach to Offensive Language Identification
Ehsan Doostmohammadi
Hossein Sameti
Ali Saffar
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper presents the models submitted by Ghmerti team for subtasks A and B of the OffensEval shared task at SemEval 2019. OffensEval addresses the problem of identifying and categorizing offensive language in social media in three subtasks; whether or not a content is offensive (subtask A), whether it is targeted (subtask B) towards an individual, a group, or other entities (subtask C). The proposed approach includes character-level Convolutional Neural Network, word-level Recurrent Neural Network, and some preprocessing. The performance achieved by the proposed model is 77.93% macro-averaged F1-score.