Amandla Mabona
Topic Modeling With Topological Data Analysis
Ciarán Byrne
Danijela Horak
Karo Moilanen
Amandla Mabona
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Recent unsupervised topic modelling ap-proaches that use clustering techniques onword, token or document embeddings can ex-tract coherent topics. A common limitationof such approaches is that they reveal noth-ing about inter-topic relationships which areessential in many real-world application do-mains. We present an unsupervised topic mod-elling method which harnesses TopologicalData Analysis (TDA) to extract a topologicalskeleton of the manifold upon which contextu-alised word embeddings lie. We demonstratethat our approach, which performs on par witha recent baseline, is able to construct a networkof coherent topics together with meaningfulrelationships between them.
Neural Generative Rhetorical Structure Parsing
Amandla Mabona
Laura Rimell
Stephen Clark
Andreas Vlachos
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)
Rhetorical structure trees have been shown to be useful for several document-level tasks including summarization and document classification. Previous approaches to RST parsing have used discriminative models; however, these are less sample efficient than generative models, and RST parsing datasets are typically small. In this paper, we present the first generative model for RST parsing. Our model is a document-level RNN grammar (RNNG) with a bottom-up traversal order. We show that, for our parser’s traversal order, previous beam search algorithms for RNNGs have a left-branching bias which is ill-suited for RST parsing. We develop a novel beam search algorithm that keeps track of both structure-and word-generating actions without exhibit-ing this branching bias and results in absolute improvements of 6.8 and 2.9 on unlabelled and labelled F1 over previous algorithms. Overall, our generative model outperforms a discriminative model with the same features by 2.6 F1points and achieves performance comparable to the state-of-the-art, outperforming all published parsers from a recent replication study that do not use additional training data
Learning to Negate Adjectives with Bilinear Models
Laura Rimell
Amandla Mabona
Luana Bulat
Douwe Kiela
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Volume 2, Short Papers
We learn a mapping that negates adjectives by predicting an adjective’s antonym in an arbitrary word embedding model. We show that both linear models and neural networks improve on this task when they have access to a vector representing the semantic domain of the input word, e.g. a centroid of temperature words when predicting the antonym of ‘cold’. We introduce a continuous class-conditional bilinear neural network which is able to negate adjectives with high precision.
Fix data
- Laura Rimell 2
- Luana Bulat 1
- Ciarán Byrne 1
- Stephen Clark 1
- Danijela Horak 1
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