Anastasiya Lopukhina
Regular polysemy: from sense vectors to sense patterns
Anastasiya Lopukhina
Konstantin Lopukhin
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex - V)
Regular polysemy was extensively investigated in lexical semantics, but this phenomenon has been very little studied in distributional semantics. We propose a model for regular polysemy detection that is based on sense vectors and allows to work directly with senses in semantic vector space. Our method is able to detect polysemous words that have the same regular sense alternation as in a given example (a word with two automatically induced senses that represent one polysemy pattern, such as ANIMAL / FOOD). The method works equally well for nouns, verbs and adjectives and achieves average recall of 0.55 and average precision of 0.59 for ten different polysemy patterns.