Andrea Bacciu


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Handling Ontology Gaps in Semantic Parsing
Andrea Bacciu | Marco Damonte | Marco Basaldella | Emilio Monti
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

The majority of Neural Semantic Parsing (NSP) models are developed with the assumption that there are no concepts outside the ones such models can represent with their target symbols (closed-world assumption). This assumption leads to generate hallucinated outputs rather than admitting their lack of knowledge. Hallucinations can lead to wrong or potentially offensive responses to users. Hence, a mechanism to prevent this behavior is crucial to build trusted NSP-based Question Answering agents. To that end, we propose the Hallucination Simulation Framework (HSF), a general setting for stimulating and analyzing NSP model hallucinations. The framework can be applied to any NSP task with a closed-ontology. Using the proposed framework and KQA Pro as the benchmark dataset, we assess state-of-the-art techniques for hallucination detection. We then present a novel hallucination detection strategy that exploits the computational graph of the NSP model to detect the NSP hallucinations in the presence of ontology gaps, out-of-domain utterances, and to recognize NSP errors, improving the F1-Score respectively by ~21%, ~24% and ~1%. This is the first work in closed-ontology NSP that addresses the problem of recognizing ontology gaps. We release our code and checkpoints at

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DanteLLM: Let’s Push Italian LLM Research Forward!
Andrea Bacciu | Cesare Campagnano | Giovanni Trappolini | Fabrizio Silvestri
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

In recent years, the dominance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the English language has become evident. However, there remains a pronounced gap in resources and evaluation tools tailored for non-English languages, underscoring a significant disparity in the global AI landscape. This paper seeks to bridge this gap, specifically focusing on the Italian linguistic context. We introduce a novel benchmark, and an open LLM Leaderboard, designed to evaluate LLMs’ performance in Italian, providing a rigorous framework for comparative analysis. In our assessment of currently available models, we highlight their respective strengths and limitations against this standard. Crucially, we propose “DanteLLM”, a state-of-the-art LLM dedicated to Italian. Our empirical evaluations underscore Dante’s superiority, as it emerges as the most performant model on our benchmark, with improvements by up to 6 points. This research not only marks a significant stride in Italian-centric natural language processing but also offers a blueprint for the development and evaluation of LLMs in other languages, championing a more inclusive AI paradigm. Our code at:


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Unifying Cross-Lingual Semantic Role Labeling with Heterogeneous Linguistic Resources
Simone Conia | Andrea Bacciu | Roberto Navigli
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

While cross-lingual techniques are finding increasing success in a wide range of Natural Language Processing tasks, their application to Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) has been strongly limited by the fact that each language adopts its own linguistic formalism, from PropBank for English to AnCora for Spanish and PDT-Vallex for Czech, inter alia. In this work, we address this issue and present a unified model to perform cross-lingual SRL over heterogeneous linguistic resources. Our model implicitly learns a high-quality mapping for different formalisms across diverse languages without resorting to word alignment and/or translation techniques. We find that, not only is our cross-lingual system competitive with the current state of the art but that it is also robust to low-data scenarios. Most interestingly, our unified model is able to annotate a sentence in a single forward pass with all the inventories it was trained with, providing a tool for the analysis and comparison of linguistic theories across different languages. We release our code and model at