Lexicography Saves Lives (LSL): Automatically Translating Suicide-Related Language
Annika Marie Schoene
John E. Ortega
Rodolfo Joel Zevallos
Laura Haaber Ihle
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Recent years have seen a marked increase in research that aims to identify or predict risk, intention or ideation of suicide. The majority of new tasks, datasets, language models and other resources focus on English and on suicide in the context of Western culture. However, suicide is global issue and reducing suicide rate by 2030 is one of the key goals of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Previous work has used English dictionaries related to suicide to translate into different target languages due to lack of other available resources. Naturally, this leads to a variety of ethical tensions (e.g.: linguistic misrepresentation), where discourse around suicide is not present in a particular culture or country. In this work, we introduce the ‘Lexicography Saves Lives Project’ to address this issue and make three distinct contributions. First, we outline ethical consideration and provide overview guidelines to mitigate harm in developing suicide-related resources. Next, we translate an existing dictionary related to suicidal ideation into 200 different languages and conduct human evaluations on a subset of translated dictionaries. Finally, we introduce a public website to make our resources available and enable community participation.
The First Multilingual Model For The Detection of Suicide Texts
Rodolfo Joel Zevallos
Annika Marie Schoene
John E. Ortega
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Scaling Up Multilingual & Multi-Cultural Evaluation
Suicidal ideation is a serious health problem affecting millions of people worldwide. Social networks provide information about these mental health problems through users’ emotional expressions. We propose a multilingual model leveraging transformer architectures like mBERT, XML-R, and mT5 to detect suicidal text across posts in six languages - Spanish, English, German, Catalan, Portuguese and Italian. A Spanish suicide ideation tweet dataset was translated into five other languages using SeamlessM4T. Each model was fine-tuned on this multilingual data and evaluated across classification metrics. Results showed mT5 achieving the best performance overall with F1 scores above 85%, highlighting capabilities for cross-lingual transfer learning. The English and Spanish translations also displayed high quality based on perplexity. Our exploration underscores the importance of considering linguistic diversity in developing automated multilingual tools to identify suicidal risk. Limitations exist around semantic fidelity in translations and ethical implications which provide guidance for future human-in-the-loop evaluations.
MEANT: Multimodal Encoder for Antecedent Information
Benjamin Irving
Annika Marie Schoene
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
The stock market provides a rich well of information that can be split across modalities, making it an ideal candidate for multimodal evaluation. Multimodal data plays an increasingly important role in the development of machine learning and has shown to positively impact performance. But information can do more than exist across modes— it can exist across time. How should we attend to temporal data that consists of multiple information types? This work introduces (i) the MEANT model, a Multimodal Encoder for Antecedent information and (ii) a new dataset called TempStock, which consists of price, Tweets, and graphical data with over a million Tweets from all of the companies in the S&P 500 Index. We find that MEANT improves performance on existing baselines by over 15%, and that the textual information affects performance far more than the visual information on our time-dependent task from our ablation study. The code and dataset will be made available upon publication.
All Models are Wrong, But Some are Deadly: Inconsistencies in Emotion Detection in Suicide-related Tweets
Annika Marie Schoene
Resmi Ramachandranpillai
Tomo Lazovich
Ricardo A. Baeza-Yates
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on NLP for Positive Impact
Recent work in psychology has shown that people who experience mental health challenges are more likely to express their thoughts, emotions, and feelings on social media than share it with a clinical professional. Distinguishing suicide-related content, such as suicide mentioned in a humorous context, from genuine expressions of suicidal ideation is essential to better understanding context and risk. In this paper, we give a first insight and analysis into the differences between emotion labels annotated by humans and labels predicted by three fine-tuned language models (LMs) for suicide-related content. We find that (i) there is little agreement between LMs and humans for emotion labels of suicide-related Tweets and (ii) individual LMs predict similar emotion labels for all suicide-related categories. Our findings lead us to question the credibility and usefulness of such methods in high-risk scenarios such as suicide ideation detection.
Is it safe to machine translate suicide-related language from English to Galician?
John E. Ortega
Annika Marie Schoene
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Computational Processing of Portuguese - Vol. 1
RELATE: Generating a linguistically inspired Knowledge Graph for fine-grained emotion classification
Annika Marie Schoene
Nina Dethlefs
Sophia Ananiadou
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Several existing resources are available for sentiment analysis (SA) tasks that are used for learning sentiment specific embedding (SSE) representations. These resources are either large, common-sense knowledge graphs (KG) that cover a limited amount of polarities/emotions or they are smaller in size (e.g.: lexicons), which require costly human annotation and cover fine-grained emotions. Therefore using knowledge resources to learn SSE representations is either limited by the low coverage of polarities/emotions or the overall size of a resource. In this paper, we first introduce a new directed KG called ‘RELATE’, which is built to overcome both the issue of low coverage of emotions and the issue of scalability. RELATE is the first KG of its size to cover Ekman’s six basic emotions that are directed towards entities. It is based on linguistic rules to incorporate the benefit of semantics without relying on costly human annotation. The performance of ‘RELATE’ is evaluated by learning SSE representations using a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCN).
Automatic Identification of Suicide Notes from Linguistic and Sentiment Features
Annika Marie Schoene
Nina Dethlefs
Proceedings of the 10th SIGHUM Workshop on Language Technology for Cultural Heritage, Social Sciences, and Humanities