PromptStream: Self-Supervised News Story Discovery Using Topic-Aware Article Representations
Arezoo Hatefi
Anton Eklund
Mona Forsman
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
Given the importance of identifying and monitoring news stories within the continuous flow of news articles, this paper presents PromptStream, a novel method for unsupervised news story discovery. In order to identify coherent and comprehensive stories across the stream, it is crucial to create article representations that incorporate as much topic-related information from the articles as possible. PromptStream constructs these article embeddings using cloze-style prompting. These representations continually adjust to the evolving context of the news stream through self-supervised learning, employing a contrastive loss and a memory of the most confident article-story assignments from the most recent days. Extensive experiments with real news datasets highlight the notable performance of our model, establishing a new state of the art. Additionally, we delve into selected news stories to reveal how the model’s structuring of the article stream aligns with story progression.
CIPHE: A Framework for Document Cluster Interpretation and Precision from Human Exploration
Anton Eklund
Mona Forsman
Frank Drewes
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Natural Language Processing for Digital Humanities
Document clustering models serve unique application purposes, which turns model quality into a property that depends on the needs of the individual investigator. We propose a framework, Cluster Interpretation and Precision from Human Exploration (CIPHE), for collecting and quantifying human interpretations of cluster samples. CIPHE tasks survey participants to explore actual document texts from cluster samples and records their perceptions. It also includes a novel inclusion task that is used to calculate the cluster precision in an indirect manner. A case study on news clusters shows that CIPHE reveals which clusters have multiple interpretation angles, aiding the investigator in their exploration.
An Empirical Configuration Study of a Common Document Clustering Pipeline
Anton Eklund
Mona Forsman
Frank Drewes
Northern European Journal of Language Technology, Volume 9
Document clustering is frequently used in applications of natural language processing, e.g. to classify news articles or creating topic models. In this paper, we study document clustering with the common clustering pipeline that includes vectorization with BERT or Doc2Vec, dimension reduction with PCA or UMAP, and clustering with K-Means or HDBSCAN. We discuss the inter- actions of the different components in the pipeline, parameter settings, and how to determine an appropriate number of dimensions. The results suggest that BERT embeddings combined with UMAP dimension reduction to no less than 15 dimensions provides a good basis for clustering, regardless of the specific clustering algorithm used. Moreover, while UMAP performed better than PCA in our experiments, tuning the UMAP settings showed little impact on the overall performance. Hence, we recommend configuring UMAP so as to optimize its time efficiency. According to our topic model evaluation, the combination of BERT and UMAP, also used in BERTopic, performs best. A topic model based on this pipeline typically benefits from a large number of clusters.
Developing a Multilingual Corpus of Wikipedia Biographies
Hannah Devinney
Anton Eklund
Igor Ryazanov
Jingwen Cai
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing
For many languages, Wikipedia is the most accessible source of biographical information. Studying how Wikipedia describes the lives of people can provide insights into societal biases, as well as cultural differences more generally. We present a method for extracting datasets of Wikipedia biographies. The accompanying codebase is adapted to English, Swedish, Russian, Chinese, and Farsi, and is extendable to other languages. We present an exploratory analysis of biographical topics and gendered patterns in four languages using topic modelling and embedding clustering. We find similarities across languages in the types of categories present, with the distribution of biographies concentrated in the language’s core regions. Masculine terms are over-represented and spread out over a wide variety of topics. Feminine terms are less frequent and linked to more constrained topics. Non-binary terms are nearly non-represented.
Dynamic Topic Modeling by Clustering Embeddings from Pretrained Language Models: A Research Proposal
Anton Eklund
Mona Forsman
Frank Drewes
Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 12th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing: Student Research Workshop
A new trend in topic modeling research is to do Neural Topic Modeling by Clustering document Embeddings (NTM-CE) created with a pretrained language model. Studies have evaluated static NTM-CE models and found them performing comparably to, or even better than other topic models. An important extension of static topic modeling is making the models dynamic, allowing the study of topic evolution over time, as well as detecting emerging and disappearing topics. In this research proposal, we present two research questions to understand dynamic topic modeling with NTM-CE theoretically and practically. To answer these, we propose four phases with the aim of establishing evaluation methods for dynamic topic modeling, finding NTM-CE-specific properties, and creating a framework for dynamic NTM-CE. For evaluation, we propose to use both quantitative measurements of coherence and human evaluation supported by our recently developed tool.
Topic Modeling by Clustering Language Model Embeddings: Human Validation on an Industry Dataset
Anton Eklund
Mona Forsman
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track
Topic models are powerful tools to get an overview of large collections of text data, a situation that is prevalent in industry applications. A rising trend within topic modeling is to directly cluster dimension-reduced embeddings created with pretrained language models. It is difficult to evaluate these models because there is no ground truth and automatic measurements may not mimic human judgment. To address this problem, we created a tool called STELLAR for interactive topic browsing which we used for human evaluation of topics created from a real-world dataset used in industry. Embeddings created with BERT were used together with UMAP and HDBSCAN to model the topics. The human evaluation found that our topic model creates coherent topics. The following discussion revolves around the requirements of industry and what research is needed for production-ready systems.