Antonio Lieto
MERALI at SemEval-2017 Task 2 Subtask 1: a Cognitively Inspired approach
Enrico Mensa
Daniele P. Radicioni
Antonio Lieto
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)
In this paper we report on the participation of the MERALI system to the SemEval Task 2 Subtask 1. The MERALI system approaches conceptual similarity through a simple, cognitively inspired, heuristics; it builds on a linguistic resource, the TTCS-e, that relies on BabelNet, NASARI and ConceptNet. The linguistic resource in fact contains a novel mixture of common-sense and encyclopedic knowledge. The obtained results point out that there is ample room for improvement, so that they are used to elaborate on present limitations and on future steps.
TTCSℰ: a Vectorial Resource for Computing Conceptual Similarity
Enrico Mensa
Daniele P. Radicioni
Antonio Lieto
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Sense, Concept and Entity Representations and their Applications
In this paper we introduce the TTCSℰ, a linguistic resource that relies on BabelNet, NASARI and ConceptNet, that has now been used to compute the conceptual similarity between concept pairs. The conceptual representation herein provides uniform access to concepts based on BabelNet synset IDs, and consists of a vector-based semantic representation which is compliant with the Conceptual Spaces, a geometric framework for common-sense knowledge representation and reasoning. The TTCSℰ has been evaluated in a preliminary experimentation on a conceptual similarity task.