Arianna Redaelli
How to Annotate Emotions in Historical Italian Novels: A Case Study on I Promessi Sposi
Rachele Sprugnoli
Arianna Redaelli
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Language Technologies for Historical and Ancient Languages (LT4HALA) @ LREC-COLING-2024
This paper describes the annotation of a chapter taken from I Promessi Sposi, the most famous Italian novel of the 19th century written by Alessandro Manzoni, following 3 emotion classifications. The aim of this methodological paper is to understand: i) how the annotation procedure changes depending on the granularity of the classification, ii) how the different granularities impact the inter-annotator agreement, iii) which granularity allows good coverage of emotions, iv) if the chosen classifications are missing emotions that are important for historical literary texts. The opinion of non-experts is integrated in the present study through an online questionnaire. In addition, preliminary experiments are carried out using the new dataset as a test set to evaluate the performances of different approaches for emotion polarity detection and emotion classification respectively. Annotated data are released both as aggregated gold standard and with non-aggregated labels (that is labels before reconciliation between annotators) so to align with the perspectivist approach, that is an established practice in the Humanities and, more recently, also in NLP.