Arife B. Yenice


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A Learning-Based Dependency to Constituency Conversion Algorithm for the Turkish Language
Büşra Marşan | Oğuz K. Yıldız | Aslı Kuzgun | Neslihan Cesur | Arife B. Yenice | Ezgi Sanıyar | Oğuzhan Kuyrukçu | Bilge N. Arıcan | Olcay Taner Yıldız
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This study aims to create the very first dependency-to-constituency conversion algorithm optimised for Turkish language. For this purpose, a state-of-the-art morphologic analyser and a feature-based machine learning model was used. In order to enhance the performance of the conversion algorithm, bootstrap aggregating meta-algorithm was integrated. While creating the conversation algorithm, typological properties of Turkish were carefully considered. A comprehensive and manually annotated UD-style dependency treebank was the input, and constituency trees were the output of the conversion algorithm. A team of linguists manually annotated a set of constituency trees. These manually annotated trees were used as the gold standard to assess the performance of the algorithm. The conversion process yielded more than 8000 constituency trees whose UD-style dependency trees are also available on GitHub. In addition to its contribution to Turkish treebank resources, this study also offers a viable and easy-to-implement conversion algorithm that can be used to generate new constituency treebanks and training data for NLP resources like constituency parsers.

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Introducing StarDust: A UD-based Dependency Annotation Tool
Arife B. Yenice | Neslihan Cesur | Aslı Kuzgun | Olcay Taner Yıldız
Proceedings of the 16th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVI) within LREC2022

This paper aims to introduce StarDust, a new, open-source annotation tool designed for NLP studies. StarDust is designed specifically to be intuitive and simple for the annotators while also supporting the annotation of multiple languages with different morphological typologies, e.g. Turkish and English. This demonstration will mainly focus on our UD-based annotation tool for dependency syntax. Linked to a morphological analyzer, the tool can detect certain annotator mistakes and limit undesired dependency relations as well as offering annotators a quick and effective annotation process thanks to its new simple interface. Our tool can be downloaded from the Github.

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Time Travel in Turkish: WordNets for Modern Turkish
Ceren Oksal | Hikmet N. Oguz | Mert Catal | Nurkay Erbay | Ozgecan Yuzer | Ipek B. Unsal | Oguzhan Kuyrukcu | Arife B. Yenice | Aslı Kuzgun | Büşra Marşan | Ezgi Sanıyar | Bilge Arican | Merve Dogan | Özge Bakay | Olcay Taner Yıldız
Proceedings of Globalex Workshop on Linked Lexicography within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Wordnets have been popular tools for providing and representing semantic and lexical relations of languages. They are useful tools for various purposes in NLP studies. Many researches created WordNets for different languages. For Turkish, there are two WordNets, namely the Turkish WordNet of BalkaNet and KeNet. In this paper, we present new WordNets for Turkish each of which is based on one of the first 9 editions of the Turkish dictionary starting from the 1944 edition. These WordNets are historical in nature and make implications for Modern Turkish. They are developed by extending KeNet, which was created based on the 2005 and 2011 editions of the Turkish dictionary. In this paper, we explain the steps in creating these 9 new WordNets for Turkish, discuss the challenges in the process and report comparative results about the WordNets.