Arthur Bond
Linking the TUFS Basic Vocabulary to the Open Multilingual Wordnet
Francis Bond
Hiroki Nomoto
Luís Morgado da Costa
Arthur Bond
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
We describe the linking of the TUFS Basic Vocabulary Modules, created for online language learning, with the Open Multilingual Wordnet. The TUFS modules have roughly 500 lexical entries in 30 languages, each with the lemma, a link across the languages, an example sentence, usage notes and sound files. The Open Multilingual Wordnet has 34 languages (11 shared with TUFS) organized into synsets linked by semantic relations, with examples and definitions for some languages. The links can be used to (i) evaluate existing wordnets, (ii) add data to these wordnets and (iii) create new open wordnets for Khmer, Korean, Lao, Mongolian, Russian, Tagalog, Urdua nd Vietnamese
GeoNames Wordnet (geown): extracting wordnets from GeoNames
Francis Bond
Arthur Bond
Proceedings of the 10th Global Wordnet Conference
This paper introduces a new multilingual lexicon of geographical place names. The names are based on (and linked to) the GeoNames collection. Each location is treated as a new synset, which is linked by instance_hypernym to a small set of supertypes. These supertypes are linked to the collaborative interlingual index, based on mappings from GeoDomainWordnet. If a location is already in the interlingual index, then it is also linked to the entry, using mappings from the Geo-Wordnet. Finally, if GeoNames places the location in a larger location, this is linked using the mero_location link. Wordnets can be built for any language in GeoNames, we give results for those wordnets in the Open Multilingual Wordnet. We discuss how it is mapped and the characteristics of the extracted wordnets.