Aswathy Velutharambath


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Can Factual Statements Be Deceptive? The DeFaBel Corpus of Belief-based Deception
Aswathy Velutharambath | Amelie Wührl | Roman Klinger
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

If a person firmly believes in a non-factual statement, such as “The Earth is flat”, and argues in its favor, there is no inherent intention to deceive. As the argumentation stems from genuine belief, it may be unlikely to exhibit the linguistic properties associated with deception or lying. This interplay of factuality, personal belief, and intent to deceive remains an understudied area. Disentangling the influence of these variables in argumentation is crucial to gain a better understanding of the linguistic properties attributed to each of them. To study the relation between deception and factuality, based on belief, we present the DeFaBel corpus, a crowd-sourced resource of belief-based deception. To create this corpus, we devise a study in which participants are instructed to write arguments supporting statements like “eating watermelon seeds can cause indigestion”, regardless of its factual accuracy or their personal beliefs about the statement. In addition to the generation task, we ask them to disclose their belief about the statement. The collected instances are labelled as deceptive if the arguments are in contradiction to the participants’ personal beliefs. Each instance in the corpus is thus annotated (or implicitly labelled) with personal beliefs of the author, factuality of the statement, and the intended deceptiveness. The DeFaBel corpus contains 1031 texts in German, out of which 643 are deceptive and 388 are non-deceptive. It is the first publicly available corpus for studying deception in German. In our analysis, we find that people are more confident in the persuasiveness of their arguments when the statement is aligned with their belief, but surprisingly less confident when they are generating arguments in favor of facts. The DeFaBel corpus can be obtained from .


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Prevention or Promotion? Predicting Author’s Regulatory Focus
Aswathy Velutharambath | Kai Sassenberg | Roman Klinger
Northern European Journal of Language Technology, Volume 9

People differ fundamentally in what motivates them to pursue a goal and how they approach it. For instance, some people seek growth and show eagerness, whereas others prefer security and are vigilant. The concept of regulatory focus is employed in psychology, to explain and predict this goal-directed behavior of humans underpinned by two unique motivational systems – the promotion and the prevention system. Traditionally, text analysis methods using closed-vocabularies are employed to assess the distinctive linguistic patterns associated with the two systems. From an NLP perspective, automatically detecting the regulatory focus of individuals from text provides valuable insights into the behavioral inclinations of the author, finding its applications in areas like marketing or health communication. However, the concept never made an impactful debut in computational linguistics research. To bridge this gap we introduce the novel task of regulatory focus classification from text and present two complementary German datasets – (1) experimentally generated event descriptions and (2) manually annotated short social media texts used for evaluating the generalizability of models on real-world data. First, we conduct a correlation analysis to verify if the linguistic footprints of regulatory focus reported in psychology studies are observable and to what extent in our datasets. For automatic classification, we compare closed-vocabulary-based analyses with a state-of-the-art BERT-based text classification model and observe that the latter outperforms lexicon-based approaches on experimental data and is notably better on out-of-domain Twitter data.

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UNIDECOR: A Unified Deception Corpus for Cross-Corpus Deception Detection
Aswathy Velutharambath | Roman Klinger
Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment, & Social Media Analysis

Verbal deception has been studied in psychology, forensics, and computational linguistics for a variety of reasons, like understanding behaviour patterns, identifying false testimonies, and detecting deception in online communication. Varying motivations across research fields lead to differences in the domain choices to study and in the conceptualization of deception, making it hard to compare models and build robust deception detection systems for a given language. With this paper, we improve this situation by surveying available English deception datasets which include domains like social media reviews, court testimonials, opinion statements on specific topics, and deceptive dialogues from online strategy games. We consolidate these datasets into a single unified corpus. Based on this resource, we conduct a correlation analysis of linguistic cues of deception across datasets to understand the differences and perform cross-corpus modeling experiments which show that a cross-domain generalization is challenging to achieve. The unified deception corpus (UNIDECOR) can be obtained from