Avijit Mitra


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Generating Contextual Images for Long-Form Text
Avijit Mitra | Nalin Gupta | Chetan Naik | Abhinav Sethy | Kinsey Bice | Zeynab Raeesy
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

We investigate the problem of synthesizing relevant visual imagery from generic long-form text, leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs) and Text-to-Image Models (TIMs). Current Text-to-Image models require short prompts that describe the image content and style explicitly. Unlike image prompts, generation of images from general long-form text requires the image synthesis system to derive the visual content and style elements from the text. In this paper, we study zero-shot prompting and supervised fine-tuning approaches that use LLMs and TIMs jointly for synthesizing images. We present an empirical study on generating images for Wikipedia articles covering a broad spectrum of topic and image styles. We compare these systems using a suite of metrics, including a novel metric specifically designed to evaluate the semantic correctness of generated images. Our study offers a preliminary understanding of existing models’ strengths and limitation for the task of image generation from long-form text, and sets up an evaluation framework and establishes baselines for future research.

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ClinicalMamba: A Generative Clinical Language Model on Longitudinal Clinical Notes
Zhichao Yang | Avijit Mitra | Sunjae Kwon | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

The advancement of natural language processing (NLP) systems in healthcare hinges on language models’ ability to interpret the intricate information contained within clinical notes. This process often requires integrating information from various time points in a patient’s medical history. However, most earlier clinical language models were pretrained with a context length limited to roughly one clinical document. In this study, We introduce ClinicalMamba, a specialized version of the Mamba language model, pretrained on a vast corpus of longitudinal clinical notes to address the unique linguistic characteristics and information processing needs of the medical domain. ClinicalMamba models, with 130 million and 2.8 billion parameters, demonstrate superior performance in modeling clinical language across extended text lengths compared to Mamba and other clinical models based on longformer and Llama. With few-shot learning, ClinicalMamba achieves notable benchmarks in speed and performance, outperforming existing clinical language models and large language models like GPT-4 in longitudinal clinical tasks.

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UMass-BioNLP at MEDIQA-M3G 2024: DermPrompt - A Systematic Exploration of Prompt Engineering with GPT-4V for Dermatological Diagnosis
Parth Vashisht | Abhilasha Lodha | Mukta Maddipatla | Zonghai Yao | Avijit Mitra | Zhichao Yang | Sunjae Kwon | Junda Wang | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 6th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents our team’s participation in the MEDIQA-ClinicalNLP 2024 shared task B. We present a novel approach to diagnosing clinical dermatology cases by integrating large multimodal models, specifically leveraging the capabilities of GPT-4V under a retriever and a re-ranker framework. Our investigation reveals that GPT-4V, when used as a retrieval agent, can accurately retrieve the correct skin condition 85% of the time using dermatological images and brief patient histories. Additionally, we empirically show that Naive Chain-of-Thought (CoT) works well for retrieval while Medical Guidelines Grounded CoT is required for accurate dermatological diagnosis. Further, we introduce a Multi-Agent Conversation (MAC) framework and show it’s superior performance and potential over the best CoT strategy. The experiments suggest that using naive CoT for retrieval and multi-agent conversation for critique-based diagnosis, GPT-4V can lead to an early and accurate diagnosis of dermatological conditions. The implications of this work extend to improving diagnostic workflows, supporting dermatological education, and enhancing patient care by providing a scalable, accessible, and accurate diagnostic tool.


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UMASS_BioNLP at MEDIQA-Chat 2023: Can LLMs generate high-quality synthetic note-oriented doctor-patient conversations?
Junda Wang | Zonghai Yao | Avijit Mitra | Samuel Osebe | Zhichao Yang | Hong Yu
Proceedings of the 5th Clinical Natural Language Processing Workshop

This paper presents UMASS_BioNLP team participation in the MEDIQA-Chat 2023 shared task for Task-A and Task-C. We focus especially on Task-C and propose a novel LLMs cooperation system named a doctor-patient loop to generate high-quality conversation data sets. The experiment results demonstrate that our approaches yield reasonable performance as evaluated by automatic metrics such as ROUGE, medical concept recall, BLEU, and Self-BLEU. Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis between our proposed method and ChatGPT and GPT-4. This analysis also investigates the potential of utilizing cooperation LLMs to generate high-quality datasets.


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Knowledge Injected Prompt Based Fine-tuning for Multi-label Few-shot ICD Coding
Zhichao Yang | Shufan Wang | Bhanu Pratap Singh Rawat | Avijit Mitra | Hong Yu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Automatic International Classification of Diseases (ICD) coding aims to assign multiple ICD codes to a medical note with average length of 3,000+ tokens. This task is challenging due to a high-dimensional space of multi-label assignment (tens of thousands of ICD codes) and the long-tail challenge: only a few codes (common diseases) are frequently assigned while most codes (rare diseases) are infrequently assigned. This study addresses the long-tail challenge by adapting a prompt-based fine-tuning technique with label semantics, which has been shown to be effective under few-shot setting. To further enhance the performance in medical domain, we propose a knowledge-enhanced longformer by injecting three domain-specific knowledge: hierarchy, synonym, and abbreviation with additional pretraining using contrastive learning. Experiments on MIMIC-III-full, a benchmark dataset of code assignment, show that our proposed method outperforms previous state-of-the-art method in 14.5% in marco F1 (from 10.3 to 11.8, P<0.001). To further test our model on few-shot setting, we created a new rare diseases coding dataset, MIMIC-III-rare50, on which our model improves marco F1 from 17.1 to 30.4 and micro F1 from 17.2 to 32.6 compared to previous method.