Banothu Rambabu
IIIT-H TEMD Semi-Natural Emotional Speech Database from Professional Actors and Non-Actors
Banothu Rambabu
Kishore Kumar Botsa
Gangamohan Paidi
Suryakanth V Gangashetty
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
A fundamental essence for emotional speech analysis towards emotion recognition is a good database. Database collected from natural scenarios consists of spontaneous emotions, but there are several issues in collection of such database. Other than the privacy and legal related concerns, there is no control over environment at the background. As it is difficult to collect data from natural scenarios, many research groups have collected data from semi-natural or designed procedures. In this paper, a new emotional speech database named IIIT-H TEMD (International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad Telugu Emotional Database) is collected using designed drama situations from actors and non-actors. Utterances are manually annotated using a hybrid strategy by giving the context to one of the listeners. As some of the data collection studies in the literature recommend for actors, analysis of actors data versus non-actors data is carried out for their significance. The total size of the dataset is about 5 hours, which makes it an useful resource for the emotional speech analysis.