Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszyk
Also published as: Barbara Lewandowska
Towards the National Corpus of Polish
Adam Przepiórkowski
Rafał L. Górski
Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszyk
Marek Łaziński
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
This paper presents a new corpus project, aiming at building a national corpus of Polish. What makes it different from a typical YACP (Yet Another Corpus Project) is 1) the fact that all four partners in the project have in the past constructed corpora of Polish, sometimes in the spirit of collaboration, at other times - in the spirit of competition, 2) the partners bring into the project varying areas of expertise and experience, so the synergy effect is anticipated, 3) the corpus will be built with an eye on specific applications in various fields, including lexicography (the corpus will be the empirical basis of a new large general dictionary of Polish) and natural language processing (a number of NLP tools will be constructed within the project).
Meaning Negotiation in Dialogue
Barbara Lewandowska
Coling 1982 Abstracts: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics Abstracts