Bhamatipati Shrikriti
DLRG@TamilNLP-ACL2022: Offensive Span Identification in Tamil usingBiLSTM-CRF approach
Ratnavel Rajalakshmi
Mohit More
Bhamatipati Shrikriti
Gitansh Saharan
Hanchate Samyuktha
Sayantan Nandy
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Speech and Language Technologies for Dravidian Languages
Identifying offensive speech is an exciting andessential area of research, with ample tractionin recent times. This paper presents our sys-tem submission to the subtask 1, focusing onusing supervised approaches for extracting Of-fensive spans from code-mixed Tamil-Englishcomments. To identify offensive spans, wedeveloped the Bidirectional Long Short-TermMemory (BiLSTM) model with Glove Em-bedding. To this end, the developed systemachieved an overall F1 of 0.1728. Addition-ally, for comments with less than 30 characters,the developed system shows an F1 of 0.3890,competitive with other submissions.