Bhuvana Kundumani
BioSimCSE: BioMedical Sentence Embeddings using Contrastive learning
Kamal raj Kanakarajan
Bhuvana Kundumani
Abhijith Abraham
Malaikannan Sankarasubbu
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Health Text Mining and Information Analysis (LOUHI)
Sentence embeddings in the form of fixed-size vectors that capture the information in the sentence as well as the context are critical components of Natural Language Processing systems. With transformer model based sentence encoders outperforming the other sentence embedding methods in the general domain, we explore the transformer based architectures to generate dense sentence embeddings in the biomedical domain. In this work, we present BioSimCSE, where we train sentence embeddings with domain specific transformer based models with biomedical texts. We assess our model’s performance with zero-shot and fine-tuned settings on Semantic Textual Similarity (STS) and Recognizing Question Entailment (RQE) tasks. Our BioSimCSE model using BioLinkBERT achieves state of the art (SOTA) performance on both tasks.
BioELECTRA:Pretrained Biomedical text Encoder using Discriminators
Kamal raj Kanakarajan
Bhuvana Kundumani
Malaikannan Sankarasubbu
Proceedings of the 20th Workshop on Biomedical Language Processing
Recent advancements in pretraining strategies in NLP have shown a significant improvement in the performance of models on various text mining tasks. We apply ‘replaced token detection’ pretraining technique proposed by ELECTRA and pretrain a biomedical language model from scratch using biomedical text and vocabulary. We introduce BioELECTRA, a biomedical domain-specific language encoder model that adapts ELECTRA for the Biomedical domain. WE evaluate our model on the BLURB and BLUE biomedical NLP benchmarks. BioELECTRA outperforms the previous models and achieves state of the art (SOTA) on all the 13 datasets in BLURB benchmark and on all the 4 Clinical datasets from BLUE Benchmark across 7 different NLP tasks. BioELECTRA pretrained on PubMed and PMC full text articles performs very well on Clinical datasets as well. BioELECTRA achieves new SOTA 86.34%(1.39% accuracy improvement) on MedNLI and 64% (2.98% accuracy improvement) on PubMedQA dataset.