Bianca Vitalaru
Machine translation, translation errors, and adequacy: Spanish-English vs. Spanish-Romanian
Laura Monguilod
Bianca Vitalaru
Proceedings of the First Workshop on NLP Tools and Resources for Translation and Interpreting Applications
This paper has two objectives: 1. To analyse the adequacy of using neural machine translation (NMT) for the translation of health information (from Spanish into English and Romanian) used in Spanish public health campaigns; and 2. To compare results considering these two linguistic combinations. Results show that post-editing is essential to improve the quality of the translations for both language combinations since they cannot be used as a primary resource for informing foreign users without post-editing. Moreover, Romanian translations require more post-editing. However, using NMT for informative texts combined with human post-editing can be used as a strategy to benefit from the potential of MT while at the same time ensuring the quality of the public service translations depending on the language combination and on the amount of time allotted for the task.