Bingxiang He


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Tell Me More! Towards Implicit User Intention Understanding of Language Model Driven Agents
Cheng Qian | Bingxiang He | Zhong Zhuang | Jia Deng | Yujia Qin | Xin Cong | Zhong Zhang | Jie Zhou | Yankai Lin | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Current language model-driven agents often lack mechanisms for effective user participation, which is crucial given the vagueness commonly found in user instructions. Although adept at devising strategies and performing tasks, these agents struggle with seeking clarification and grasping precise user intentions. To bridge this gap, we introduce Intention-in-Interaction (IN3), a novel benchmark designed to inspect users’ implicit intentions through explicit queries. Next, we propose the incorporation of model experts as the upstream in agent designs to enhance user-agent interaction. Employing IN3, we empirically train Mistral-Interact, a powerful model that proactively assesses task vagueness, inquires about user intentions, and refines them into actionable goals before starting downstream agent task execution. Integrating it into the XAgent framework, we comprehensively evaluate the enhanced agent system regarding user instruction understanding and execution, revealing that our approach notably excels at identifying vague user tasks, recovering and summarizing critical missing information, setting precise and necessary agent execution goals, and minimizing redundant tool usage, thus boosting overall efficiency.


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Beat LLMs at Their Own Game: Zero-Shot LLM-Generated Text Detection via Querying ChatGPT
Biru Zhu | Lifan Yuan | Ganqu Cui | Yangyi Chen | Chong Fu | Bingxiang He | Yangdong Deng | Zhiyuan Liu | Maosong Sun | Ming Gu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large language models (LLMs), e.g., ChatGPT, have revolutionized the domain of natural language processing because of their excellent performance on various tasks. Despite their great potential, LLMs also incur serious concerns as they are likely to be misused. There are already reported cases of academic cheating by using LLMs. Thus, it is a pressing problem to identify LLM-generated texts. In this work, we design a zero-shot black-box method for detecting LLM-generated texts. The key idea is to revise the text to be detected using the ChatGPT model. Our method is based on the intuition that the ChatGPT model will make fewer revisions to LLM-generated texts than it does to human-written texts, because the texts generated by LLMs are more in accord with the generation logic and statistical patterns learned by LLMs like ChatGPT. Thus, if the text to be detected and its ChatGPT-revised version have a higher degree of similarity, the text is more likely to be LLM-generated. Extensive experiments on various datasets and tasks show that our method can effectively detect LLM-generated texts. Moreover, compared with other detection methods, our method has better generalization ability and is more stable across various datasets. The codes are publicly available at