Carin Östman
Parser Evaluation for Analyzing Swedish 19th-20th Century Literature
Sara Stymne
Carin Östman
David Håkansson
Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)
In this study, we aim to find a parser for accurately identifying different types of subordinate clauses, and related phenomena, in 19th–20th-century Swedish literature. Since no test set is available for parsing from this time period, we propose a lightweight annotation scheme for annotating a single relation of interest per sentence. We train a variety of parsers for Swedish and compare evaluations on standard modern test sets and our targeted test set. We find clear trends in which parser types perform best on the standard test sets, but that performance is considerably more varied on the targeted test set. We believe that our proposed annotation scheme can be useful for complementing standard evaluations, with a low annotation effort.
SLäNDa version 2.0: Improved and Extended Annotation of Narrative and Dialogue in Swedish Literature
Sara Stymne
Carin Östman
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
In this paper, we describe version 2.0 of the SLäNDa corpus. SLäNDa, the Swedish Literary corpus of Narrative and Dialogue, now contains excerpts from 19 novels, written between 1809–1940. The main focus of the SLäNDa corpus is to distinguish between direct speech and the main narrative. In order to isolate the narrative, we also annotate everything else which does not belong to the narrative, such as thoughts, quotations, and letters. SLäNDa version 2.0 has a slightly updated annotation scheme from version 1.0. In addition, we added new texts from eleven authors and performed quality control on the previous version. We are specifically interested in different ways of marking speech segments, such as quotation marks, dashes, or no marking at all. To allow a detailed evaluation of this aspect, we added dedicated test sets to SLäNDa for these different types of speech marking. In a pilot experiment, we explore the impact of typographic speech marking by using these test sets, as well as artificially stripping the training data of speech markers.
SLäNDa: An Annotated Corpus of Narrative and Dialogue in Swedish Literary Fiction
Sara Stymne
Carin Östman
Proceedings of the Twelfth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
We describe a new corpus, SLäNDa, the Swedish Literary corpus of Narrative and Dialogue. It contains Swedish literary fiction, which has been manually annotated for cited materials, with a focus on dialogue. The annotation covers excerpts from eight Swedish novels written between 1879–1940, a period of modernization of the Swedish language. SLäNDa contains annotations for all cited materials that are separate from the main narrative, like quotations and signs. The main focus is on dialogue, for which we annotate speech segments, speech tags, and speakers. In this paper we describe the annotation protocol and procedure and show that we can reach a high inter-annotator agreement. In total, SLäNDa contains annotations of 44 chapters with over 220K tokens. The annotation identified 4,733 instances of cited material and 1,143 named speaker–speech mappings. The corpus is useful for developing computational tools for different types of analysis of literary narrative and speech. We perform a small pilot study where we show how our annotation can help in analyzing language change in Swedish. We find that a number of common function words have their modern version appear earlier in speech than in narrative.