Caterina Mauri


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Did Somebody Say ‘Gest-IT’? A Pilot Exploration of Multimodal Data Management
Ludovica Pannitto | Lorenzo Albanesi | Laura Marion | Federica Martines | Carmelo Caruso | Claudia Bianchini | Francesca Masini | Caterina Mauri
Proceedings of the 10th Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics (CLiC-it 2024)

The paper presents a pilot exploration of the construction, management and analysis of a multimodal corpus. Through athree-layer annotation that provides orthographic, prosodic, and gestural transcriptions, the gest-IT resource allows oneto investigate the variation of gesture-making patterns in conversations between sighted people and people with visualimpairment. After discussing the transcription methods and technical procedures employed in our study, we will propose aunified CoNLL-U corpus and indicate our future steps.


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Cross-linguistic annotation of modality: a data-driven hierarchical model
Malvina Nissim | Paola Pietrandrea | Andrea Sansò | Caterina Mauri
Proceedings of the 9th Joint ISO - ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation