Cécile Pereira
Also published as: Cecile Pereira
STRASS: A Light and Effective Method for Extractive Summarization Based on Sentence Embeddings
Léo Bouscarrat
Antoine Bonnefoy
Thomas Peel
Cécile Pereira
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Student Research Workshop
This paper introduces STRASS: Summarization by TRAnsformation Selection and Scoring. It is an extractive text summarization method which leverages the semantic information in existing sentence embedding spaces. Our method creates an extractive summary by selecting the sentences with the closest embeddings to the document embedding. The model earns a transformation of the document embedding to minimize the similarity between the extractive summary and the ground truth summary. As the transformation is only composed of a dense layer, the training can be done on CPU, therefore, inexpensive. Moreover, inference time is short and linear according to the number of sentences. As a second contribution, we introduce the French CASS dataset, composed of judgments from the French Court of cassation and their corresponding summaries. On this dataset, our results show that our method performs similarly to the state of the art extractive methods with effective training and inferring time.
Matching a tone-based and tune-based approach to English intonation for concept-to-speech generation
Elke Teich
Catherine I. Watson
Cecile Pereira
COLING 2000 Volume 2: The 18th International Conference on Computational Linguistics