Changjie Li


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CLP at SemEval-2019 Task 3: Multi-Encoder in Hierarchical Attention Networks for Contextual Emotion Detection
Changjie Li | Yun Xing
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

In this paper, we describe the participation of team ”CLP” in SemEval-2019 Task 3 “Con- textual Emotion Detection in Text” that aims to classify emotion of user utterance in tex- tual conversation. The submitted system is a deep learning architecture based on Hier- archical Attention Networks (HAN) and Em- bedding from Language Model (ELMo). The core of the architecture contains two represen- tation layers. The first one combines the out- puts of ELMo, hand-craft features and Bidi- rectional Long Short-Term Memory with At- tention (Bi-LSTM-Attention) to represent user utterance. The second layer use a Bi-LSTM- Attention encoder to represent the conversa- tion. Our system achieved F1 score of 0.7524 which outperformed the baseline model of the organizers by 0.1656.