Chao-Huang Chang
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
Hsiao-Chuan Wang
Chao-Huang Chang
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
Corpus-Based Evaluation of Language Processing Systems Using Information Restoration Model
Chao-Huang Chang
Proceedings of Research on Computational Linguistics Conference XI
Noisy Channel Models for Corrupted Chinese Text Restoration and GB-to-Big5 Conversion
Chao-Huang Chang
International Journal of Computational Linguistics & Chinese Language Processing, Volume 3, Number 2, August 1998
Word Class Discovery for Postprocessing Chinese Handwriting Recognition
Chao-Huang Chang
COLING 1994 Volume 2: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
HMM-Based Part-of-Speech Tagging for Chinese Corpora
Chao-Huang Chang
Cheng-der Chen
Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives
Corpus-Based Adaptation Mechanisms for Chinese Homophone Disambiguation
Chao-Huang Chang
Very Large Corpora: Academic and Industrial Perspectives
Automatic Clustering of Chinese Characters and Words
Chao-Huang Chang
Cheng-Der Chen
Proceedings of Rocling VI Computational Linguistics Conference VI
Recognizing Unregistered Names for Mandarin Word Identification
Liang-Jyh Wang
Wei-Chuan Li
Chao-Huang Chang
COLING 1992 Volume 4: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics