Charlotte Ammer
UniTuebingenCL at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Humor Detection in News Headlines
Charlotte Ammer
Lea Grüner
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes the work done by the team UniTuebingenCL for the SemEval 2020 Task 7: “Assessing the Funniness of Edited News Headlines”. We participated in both sub-tasks: sub-task A, given the original and the edited headline, predicting the mean funniness of the edited headline; and sub-task B, given the original headline and two edited versions, predicting which edited version is the funnier of the two. A Ridge Regression model using Elmo and Glove embeddings as well as Truncated Singular Value Decomposition was used as the final model. A long short term memory model recurrent network (LSTM) served as another approach for assessing the funniness of a headline. For the first sub-task, we experimented with the extraction of multiple features to achieve lower Root Mean Squared Error. The lowest Root Mean Squared Error achieved was 0.575 for sub-task A, and the highest Accuracy was 0.618 for sub-task B.