Creston Brooks
The Rise of AI-Generated Content in Wikipedia
Creston Brooks
Samuel Eggert
Denis Peskoff
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Advancing Natural Language Processing for Wikipedia
The rise of AI-generated content in popular information sources raises significant concerns about accountability, accuracy, and bias amplification. Beyond directly impacting consumers, the widespread presence of this content poses questions for the long-term viability of training language models on vast internet sweeps. We use GPTZero, a proprietary AI detector, and Binoculars, an open-source alternative, to establish lower bounds on the presence of AI-generated content in recently created Wikipedia pages. Both detectors reveal a marked increase in AI-generated content in recent pages compared to those from before the release of GPT-3.5. With thresholds calibrated to achieve a 1% false positive rate on pre-GPT-3.5 articles, detectors flag over 5% of newly created English Wikipedia articles as AI-generated, with lower percentages for German, French, and Italian articles. Flagged Wikipedia articles are typically of lower quality and are often self-promotional or partial towards a specific viewpoint on controversial topics.
Logion: Machine-Learning Based Detection and Correction of Textual Errors in Greek Philology
Charlie Cowen-Breen
Creston Brooks
Barbara Graziosi
Johannes Haubold
Proceedings of the Ancient Language Processing Workshop
We present statistical and machine-learning based techniques for detecting and correcting errors in text and apply them to the challenge of textual corruption in Greek philology. Most ancient Greek texts reach us through a long process of copying, in relay, from earlier manuscripts (now lost). In this process of textual transmission, copying errors tend to accrue. After training a BERT model on the largest premodern Greek dataset used for this purpose to date, we identify and correct previously undetected errors made by scribes in the process of textual transmission, in what is, to our knowledge, the first successful identification of such errors via machine learning. The premodern Greek BERT model we train is available for use at