Cristina Aggazzotti
Can Authorship Attribution Models Distinguish Speakers in Speech Transcripts?
Cristina Aggazzotti
Nicholas Andrews
Elizabeth Allyn Smith
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 12
Authorship verification is the task of determining if two distinct writing samples share the same author and is typically concerned with the attribution of written text. In this paper, we explore the attribution of transcribed speech, which poses novel challenges. The main challenge is that many stylistic features, such as punctuation and capitalization, are not informative in this setting. On the other hand, transcribed speech exhibits other patterns, such as filler words and backchannels (e.g., um, uh-huh), which may be characteristic of different speakers. We propose a new benchmark for speaker attribution focused on human-transcribed conversational speech transcripts. To limit spurious associations of speakers with topic, we employ both conversation prompts and speakers participating in the same conversation to construct verification trials of varying difficulties. We establish the state of the art on this new benchmark by comparing a suite of neural and non-neural baselines, finding that although written text attribution models achieve surprisingly good performance in certain settings, they perform markedly worse as conversational topic is increasingly controlled. We present analyses of the impact of transcription style on performance as well as the ability of fine-tuning on speech transcripts to improve performance.1
Can Authorship Representation Learning Capture Stylistic Features?
Andrew Wang
Cristina Aggazzotti
Rebecca Kotula
Rafael Rivera Soto
Marcus Bishop
Nicholas Andrews
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 11
Automatically disentangling an author’s style from the content of their writing is a longstanding and possibly insurmountable problem in computational linguistics. At the same time, the availability of large text corpora furnished with author labels has recently enabled learning authorship representations in a purely data-driven manner for authorship attribution, a task that ostensibly depends to a greater extent on encoding writing style than encoding content. However, success on this surrogate task does not ensure that such representations capture writing style since authorship could also be correlated with other latent variables, such as topic. In an effort to better understand the nature of the information these representations convey, and specifically to validate the hypothesis that they chiefly encode writing style, we systematically probe these representations through a series of targeted experiments. The results of these experiments suggest that representations learned for the surrogate authorship prediction task are indeed sensitive to writing style. As a consequence, authorship representations may be expected to be robust to certain kinds of data shift, such as topic drift over time. Additionally, our findings may open the door to downstream applications that require stylistic representations, such as style transfer.
Reflexives and Reciprocals in Synchronous Tree Adjoining Grammar
Cristina Aggazzotti
Stuart M. Shieber
Proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Tree Adjoining Grammars and Related Formalisms
Fix data
- Nicholas Andrews 2
- Marcus Bishop 1
- Rebecca Kotula 1
- Stuart M. Shieber 1
- Elizabeth Allyn Smith 1
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