Dawn MacLaughlin
BBN: Description of the PLUM System as Used for MUC-5
Ralph Weischedel
Damaris Ayuso
Sean Boisen
Heidi Fox
Robert Ingria
Tomoyoshi Matsukawa
Constantine Papageorgiou
Dawn MacLaughlin
Masaichiro Kitagawa
Tsutomu Sakai
June Abe
Hiroto Hosiho
Yoichi Miyamoto
Scott Miller
Fifth Message Understanding Conference (MUC-5): Proceedings of a Conference Held in Baltimore, Maryland, August 25-27, 1993
BBN’s PLUM Probabilistic Language Understanding System
Ralph Weischedel
Damaris Ayuso
Heidi Fox
Tomoyoshi Matsukawa
Constantine Papageorgiou
Dawn MacLaughlin
Masaichiro Kitagawa
Tsutomu Sakai
June Abe
Hiroto Hosiho
Yoichi Miyamoto
Scott Miller
TIPSTER TEXT PROGRAM: PHASE I: Proceedings of a Workshop held at Fredricksburg, Virginia, September 19-23, 1993
Towards Understanding Text with a Very Large Vocabulary
Damaris Ayuso
R. Bobrow
Dawn MacLaughlin
Marie Meteer
Lance Ramshaw
Rich Schwartz
Ralph Weischedel
Speech and Natural Language: Proceedings of a Workshop Held at Hidden Valley, Pennsylvania, June 24-27,1990