Dimas Sony Dewantara
3218IR at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Conv1D and Word Embedding in Propaganda Span Identification at News Articles
Dimas Sony Dewantara
Indra Budi
Muhammad Okky Ibrohim
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
In this paper, we present the result of our experiment with a variant of 1 Dimensional Convolutional Neural Network (Conv1D) hyper-parameters value. We describe the system entered by the team of Information Retrieval Lab. Universitas Indonesia (3218IR) in the SemEval 2020 Task 11 Sub Task 1 about propaganda span identification in news articles. The best model obtained an F1 score of 0.24 in the development set and 0.23 in the test set. We show that there is a potential for performance improvement through the use of models with appropriate hyper-parameters. Our system uses a combination of Conv1D and GloVe as Word Embedding to detect propaganda in the fragment text level.