Dorcas Alexander


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A speech-to-speech translation system for Catalan, Spanish, and English
Victoria Arranz | Elisabet Comelles | David Farwell | Climent Nadeu | Jaume Padrell | Albert Febrer | Dorcas Alexander | Kay Peterson
Proceedings of the 6th Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas: Technical Papers

In this paper we describe the FAME interlingual speech-to- speech translation System for Spanish, Catalan and English which is intended to assist users in the reservation of a hotel room when calling or visiting abroad. The System has been developed as an extension of the existing NESPOLE! translation system [4] which translates between English, German, Italian and French. After a brief introduction we describe the Spanish and Catalan System components including speech recognition, transcription to IF mapping, IF to text generation and speech synthesis. We also present a task-oriented evaluation method used to inform about system development and some preliminary results.

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A Thai Speech Translation System for Medical Dialogs
Tanja Schultz | Dorcas Alexander | Alan W. Black | Kay Peterson | Sinaporn Suebvisai | Alex Waibel
Demonstration Papers at HLT-NAACL 2004