Ellen Douglas-Cowie
Also published as: E. Douglas-Cowie
Real life emotions in French and English TV video clips: an integrated annotation protocol combining continuous and discrete approaches
L. Devillers
R. Cowie
J-C. Martin
E. Douglas-Cowie
S. Abrilian
M. McRorie
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
A major barrier to the development of accurate and realistic models of human emotions is the absence of multi-cultural / multilingual databases of real-life behaviours and of a federative and reliable annotation protocol. QUB and LIMSI teams are working towards the definition of an integrated coding scheme combining their complementary approaches. This multilevel integrated scheme combines the dimensions that appear to be useful for the study of real-life emotions: verbal labels, abstract dimensions and contextual (appraisal based) annotations. This paper describes this integrated coding scheme, a protocol that was set-up for annotating French and English video clips of emotional interviews and the results (e.g. inter-coder agreement measures and subjective evaluation of the scheme).