Francesco Cazzaro


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Does Fine-tuning a Classifier Help in Low-budget Scenarios? Not Much
Cesar Gonzalez - Gutierrez | Audi Primadhanty | Francesco Cazzaro | Ariadna Quattoni
Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Insights from Negative Results in NLP

In recent years, the two-step approach for text classification based on pre-training plus fine-tuning has led to significant improvements in classification performance. In this paper, we study the low-budget scenario, and we ask whether it is justified to allocate the additional resources needed for fine-tuning complex models. To do so, we isolate the gains obtained from pre-training from those obtained from fine-tuning. We find out that, when the gains from pre-training are factored out, the performance attained by using complex transformer models leads to marginal improvements over simpler models. Therefore, in this scenario, utilizing simpler classifiers on top of pre-trained representations proves to be a viable alternative.

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Align and Augment: Generative Data Augmentation for Compositional Generalization
Francesco Cazzaro | Davide Locatelli | Ariadna Quattoni
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recent work on semantic parsing has shown that seq2seq models find compositional generalization challenging. Several strategies have been proposed to mitigate this challenge. One such strategy is to improve compositional generalization via data augmentation techniques. In this paper we follow this line of work and propose Archer, a data-augmentation strategy that exploits alignment annotations between sentences and their corresponding meaning representations. More precisely, we use alignments to train a two step generative model that combines monotonic lexical generation with reordering. Our experiments show that Archer leads to significant improvements in compositional generalization performance.


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Analyzing Text Representations by Measuring Task Alignment
Cesar Gonzalez-Gutierrez | Audi Primadhanty | Francesco Cazzaro | Ariadna Quattoni
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Textual representations based on pre-trained language models are key, especially in few-shot learning scenarios. What makes a representation good for text classification? Is it due to the geometric properties of the space or because it is well aligned with the task? We hypothesize the second claim. To test it, we develop a task alignment score based on hierarchical clustering that measures alignment at different levels of granularity. Our experiments on text classification validate our hypothesis by showing that task alignment can explain the classification performance of a given representation.

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Translate First Reorder Later: Leveraging Monotonicity in Semantic Parsing
Francesco Cazzaro | Davide Locatelli | Ariadna Quattoni | Xavier Carreras
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Prior work in semantic parsing has shown that conventional seq2seq models fail at compositional generalization tasks. This limitation led to a resurgence of methods that model alignments between sentences and their corresponding meaning representations, either implicitly through latent variables or explicitly by taking advantage of alignment annotations. We take the second direction and propose TPol, a two-step approach that first translates input sentences monotonically and then reorders them to obtain the correct output. This is achieved with a modular framework comprising a Translator and a Reorderer component. We test our approach on two popular semantic parsing datasets. Our experiments show that by means of the monotonic translations, TPol can learn reliable lexico-logical patterns from aligned data, significantly improving compositional generalization both over conventional seq2seq models, as well as over other approaches that exploit gold alignments.