Francisco Mondaca


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Transforming the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries into OntoLex-Lemon
Francisco Mondaca | Felix Rau
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2020)

The Cologne Digital Sanskrit Dictionaries (CDSD) is a large collection of complex digitized Sanskrit dictionaries, consisting of over thirty-five works, and is the most prominent collection of Sanskrit dictionaries worldwide. In this paper we evaluate two methods for transforming the CDSD into Ontolex-Lemon based on a modelling exercise. The first method that we evaluate consists of applying RDFa to the existent TEI-P5 files. The second method consists of transforming the TEI-encoded dictionaries into new files containing RDF triples modelled in OntoLex-Lemon. As a result of the modelling exercise we choose the second method: to transform TEI-encoded lexical data into Ontolex-Lemon by creating new files containing exclusively RDF triples.
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