Hanna Dydyk-Meush
Ukrainian Visual Word Sense Disambiguation Benchmark
Yurii Laba
Yaryna Mohytych
Ivanna Rohulia
Halyna Kyryleyza
Hanna Dydyk-Meush
Oles Dobosevych
Rostyslav Hryniv
Proceedings of the Third Ukrainian Natural Language Processing Workshop (UNLP) @ LREC-COLING 2024
This study presents a benchmark for evaluating the Visual Word Sense Disambiguation (Visual-WSD) task in Ukrainian. The main goal of the Visual-WSD task is to identify, with minimal contextual information, the most appropriate representation of a given ambiguous word from a set of ten images. To construct this benchmark, we followed a methodology similar to that proposed by (CITATION), who previously introduced benchmarks for the Visual-WSD task in English, Italian, and Farsi. This approach allows us to incorporate the Ukrainian benchmark into a broader framework for cross-language model performance comparisons. We collected the benchmark data semi-automatically and refined it with input from domain experts. We then assessed eight multilingual and multimodal large language models using this benchmark. All tested models performed worse than the zero-shot CLIP-based baseline model (CITATION) used by (CITATION) for the English Visual-WSD task. Our analysis revealed a significant performance gap in the Visual-WSD task between Ukrainian and English.
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- Oles Dobosevych 1
- Rostyslav Hryniv 1
- Halyna Kyryleyza 1
- Yurii Laba 1
- Yaryna Mohytych 1
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