Hanyang Chen
Idiom Savant at Semeval-2017 Task 7: Detection and Interpretation of English Puns
Samuel Doogan
Aniruddha Ghosh
Hanyang Chen
Tony Veale
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017)
This paper describes our system, entitled Idiom Savant, for the 7th Task of the Semeval 2017 workshop, “Detection and interpretation of English Puns”. Our system consists of two probabilistic models for each type of puns using Google n-gram and Word2Vec. Our system achieved f-score of calculating, 0.663, and 0.07 in homographic puns and 0.8439, 0.6631, and 0.0806 in heterographic puns in task 1, task 2, and task 3 respectively.
Deep Learning for Chinese Word Segmentation and POS Tagging
Xiaoqing Zheng
Hanyang Chen
Tianyu Xu
Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing