Haojun Ai


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Hypergraph based Understanding for Document Semantic Entity Recognition
Qiwei Li | Zuchao Li | Ping Wang | Haojun Ai | Hai Zhao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Semantic entity recognition is an important task in the field of visually-rich document understanding. It distinguishes the semantic types of text by analyzing the position relationship between text nodes and the relation between text content. The existing document understanding models mainly focus on entity categories while ignoring the extraction of entity boundaries. We build a novel hypergraph attention document semantic entity recognition framework, HGA, which uses hypergraph attention to focus on entity boundaries and entity categories at the same time. It can conduct a more detailed analysis of the document text representation analyzed by the upstream model and achieves a better performance of semantic information. We apply this method on the basis of GraphLayoutLM to construct a new semantic entity recognition model HGALayoutLM. Our experiment results on FUNSD, CORD, XFUND and SROIE show that our method can effectively improve the performance of semantic entity recognition tasks based on the original model. The results of HGALayoutLM on FUNSD and XFUND reach the new state-of-the-art results.

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VHASR: A Multimodal Speech Recognition System With Vision Hotwords
Jiliang Hu | Zuchao Li | Ping Wang | Haojun Ai | Lefei Zhang | Hai Zhao
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The image-based multimodal automatic speech recognition (ASR) model enhances speech recognition performance by incorporating audio-related image. However, some works suggest that introducing image information to model does not help improving ASR performance. In this paper, we propose a novel approach effectively utilizing audio-related image information and set up VHASR, a multimodal speech recognition system that uses vision as hotwords to strengthen the model’s speech recognition capability. Our system utilizes a dual-stream architecture, which firstly transcribes the text on the two streams separately, and then combines the outputs. We evaluate the proposed model on four datasets: Flickr8k, ADE20k, COCO, and OpenImages. The experimental results show that VHASR can effectively utilize key information in images to enhance the model’s speech recognition ability. Its performance not only surpasses unimodal ASR, but also achieves SOTA among existing image-based multimodal ASR.