Harsh Vardhan Sharma

Also published as: Harsh Sharma


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Cyclegen: Cyclic consistency based product review generator from attributes
Vasu Sharma | Harsh Sharma | Ankita Bishnu | Labhesh Patel
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

In this paper we present an automatic review generator system which can generate personalized reviews based on the user identity, product identity and designated rating the user wishes to allot to the review. We combine this with a sentiment analysis system which performs the complimentary task of assigning ratings to reviews based purely on the textual content of the review. We introduce an additional loss term to ensure cyclic consistency of the sentiment rating of the generated review with the conditioning rating used to generate the review. The introduction of this new loss term constraints the generation space while forcing it to generate reviews adhering better to the requested rating. The use of ‘soft’ generation and cyclic consistency allows us to train our model in an end to end fashion. We demonstrate the working of our model on product reviews from Amazon dataset.


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State-Transition Interpolation and MAP Adaptation for HMM-based Dysarthric Speech Recognition
Harsh Vardhan Sharma | Mark Hasegawa-Johnson
Proceedings of the NAACL HLT 2010 Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies