Herbert Sharen
DLRG@LT-EDI-ACL2022:Detecting signs of Depression from Social Media using XGBoost Method
Herbert Sharen
Ratnavel Rajalakshmi
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Depression is linked to the development of dementia. Cognitive functions such as thinkingand remembering generally deteriorate in dementiapatients. Social media usage has beenincreased among the people in recent days. Thetechnology advancements help the communityto express their views publicly. Analysing thesigns of depression from texts has become animportant area of research now, as it helps toidentify this kind of mental disorders among thepeople from their social media posts. As part ofthe shared task on detecting signs of depressionfrom social media text, a dataset has been providedby the organizers (Sampath et al.). Weapplied different machine learning techniquessuch as Support Vector Machine, Random Forestand XGBoost classifier to classify the signsof depression. Experimental results revealedthat, the XGBoost model outperformed othermodels with the highest classification accuracyof 0.61% and an Macro F1 score of 0.54.