Fotheidil: an Automatic Transcription System for the Irish Language
Liam Lonergan
Ibon Saratxaga
John Sloan
Oscar Maharg Bravo
Mengjie Qian
Neasa Ní Chiaráin
Christer Gobl
Ailbhe Ní Chasaide
Proceedings of the 5th Celtic Language Technology Workshop
This paper sets out the first web-based transcription system for the Irish language - Fotheidil, a system that utilises speech-related AI technologies as part of the ABAIR initiative. The system includes both off-the-shelf pre-trained voice activity detection and speaker diarisation models and models trained specifically for Irish automatic speech recognition and capitalisation and punctuation restoration. Semi-supervised learning is explored to improve the acoustic model of a modular TDNN-HMM ASR system, yielding substantial improvements for out-of-domain test sets and dialects that are underrepresented in the supervised training set. A novel approach to capitalisation and punctuation restoration involving sequence-to-sequence models is compared with the conventional approach using a classification model. Experimental results show here also substantial improvements in performance. It is intended that will be made freely available for public use, and represents an important resource researchers and others who transcribe Irish language materials. Human-corrected transcriptions will be collected and included in the training dataset as the system is used, which should lead to incremental improvements to the ASR model in a cyclical, community-driven fashion.
A Singing Voice Database in Basque for Statistical Singing Synthesis of Bertsolaritza
Xabier Sarasola
Eva Navas
David Tavarez
Daniel Erro
Ibon Saratxaga
Inma Hernaez
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
This paper describes the characteristics and structure of a Basque singing voice database of bertsolaritza. Bertsolaritza is a popular singing style from Basque Country sung exclusively in Basque that is improvised and a capella. The database is designed to be used in statistical singing voice synthesis for bertsolaritza style. Starting from the recordings and transcriptions of numerous singers, diarization and phoneme alignment experiments have been made to extract the singing voice from the recordings and create phoneme alignments. This labelling processes have been performed applying standard speech processing techniques and the results prove that these techniques can be used in this specific singing style.
New bilingual speech databases for audio diarization
David Tavarez
Eva Navas
Daniel Erro
Ibon Saratxaga
Inma Hernaez
Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'14)
This paper describes the process of collecting and recording two new bilingual speech databases in Spanish and Basque. They are designed primarily for speaker diarization in two different application domains: broadcast news audio and recorded meetings. First, both databases have been manually segmented. Next, several diarization experiments have been carried out in order to evaluate them. Our baseline speaker diarization system has been applied to both databases with around 30% of DER for broadcast news audio and 40% of DER for recorded meetings. Also, the behavior of the system when different languages are used by the same speaker has been tested.
Versatile Speech Databases for High Quality Synthesis for Basque
Iñaki Sainz
Daniel Erro
Eva Navas
Inma Hernáez
Jon Sanchez
Ibon Saratxaga
Igor Odriozola
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
This paper presents three new speech databases for standard Basque. They are designed primarily for corpus-based synthesis but each database has its specific purpose: 1) AhoSyn: high quality speech synthesis (recorded also in Spanish), 2) AhoSpeakers: voice conversion and 3) AhoEmo3: emotional speech synthesis. The whole corpus design and the recording process are described with detail. Once the databases were collected all the data was automatically labelled and annotated. Then, an HMM-based TTS voice was built and subjectively evaluated. The results of the evaluation are pretty satisfactory: 3.70 MOS for Basque and 3.44 for Spanish. Therefore, the evaluation assesses the quality of this new speech resource and the validity of the automated processing presented.
Strategies to Improve a Speaker Diarisation Tool
David Tavarez
Eva Navas
Daniel Erro
Ibon Saratxaga
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
This paper describes the different strategies used to improve the results obtained by an off-line speaker diarisation tool with the Albayzin 2010 diarisation database. The errors made by the system have been analyzed and different strategies have been proposed to reduce each kind of error. Very short segments incorrectly labelled and different appearances of one speaker labelled with different identifiers are the most common errors. A post-processing module that refines the segmentation by retraining the GMM models of the speakers involved has been built to cope with these errors. This post-processing module has been tuned with the training dataset and improves the result of the diarisation system by 16.4% in the test dataset.
Using an ASR database to design a pronunciation evaluation system in Basque
Igor Odriozola
Eva Navas
Inma Hernaez
Iñaki Sainz
Ibon Saratxaga
Jon Sánchez
Daniel Erro
Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)
This paper presents a method to build CAPT systems for under resourced languages, as Basque, using a general purpose ASR speech database. More precisely, the proposed method consists in automatically determine the threshold of GOP (Goodness Of Pronunciation) scores, which have been used as pronunciation scores in phone-level. Two score distributions have been obtained for each phoneme corresponding to its correct and incorrect pronunciations. The distribution of the scores for erroneous pronunciation has been calculated inserting controlled errors in the dictionary, so that each changed phoneme has been randomly replaced by a phoneme from the same group. These groups have been obtained by means of a phonetic clustering performed using regression trees. After obtaining both distributions, the EER (Equal Error Rate) of each distribution pair has been calculated and used as a decision threshold for each phoneme. The results show that this method is useful when there is no database specifically designed for CAPT systems, although it is not as accurate as those specifically designed for this purpose.
AhoTransf: A Tool for Multiband Excitation Based Speech Analysis and Modification
Ibon Saratxaga
Inmaculada Hernáez
Eva Navas
Iñaki Sainz
Iker Luengo
Jon Sánchez
Igor Odriozola
Daniel Erro
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
In this paper we present AhoTransf, a tool that enables analysis, visualization, modification and synthesis of speech. AhoTransf integrates a speech signal analysis model with a graphical user interface to allow visualization and modification of the parameters of the model. The synthesis capability allows hearing the modified signal thus providing a quick way to understand the perceptual effect of the changes in the parameters of the model. The speech analysis/synthesis algorithm is based in the Multiband Excitation technique, but uses a novel phase information representation the Relative Phase Shift (RPSs). With this representation, not only the amplitudes but also the phases of the harmonic components of the speech signal reveal their structured patterns in the visualization tool. AhoTransf is modularly conceived so that it can be used with different harmonic speech models.
Modified LTSE-VAD Algorithm for Applications Requiring Reduced Silence Frame Misclassification
Iker Luengo
Eva Navas
Igor Odriozola
Ibon Saratxaga
Inmaculada Hernaez
Iñaki Sainz
Daniel Erro
Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'10)
The LTSE-VAD is one of the best known algorithms for voice activity detection. In this paper we present a modified version of this algorithm, that makes the VAD decision not taking into account account the estimated background noise level, but the signal to noise ratio (SNR). This makes the algorithm robust not only to noise level changes, but also to signal level changes. We compare the modified algorithm with the original one, and with three other standard VAD systems. The results show that the modified version gets the lowest silence misclassification rate, while maintaining a reasonably low speech misclassification rate. As a result, this algorithm is more suitable for identification tasks, such as speaker or emotion recognition, where silence misclassification can be very harmful. A series of automatic emotion identification experiments are also carried out, proving that the modified version of the algorithm helps increasing the correct emotion classification rate.
Text Independent Speaker Identification in Multilingual Environments
Iker Luengo
Eva Navas
Iñaki Sainz
Ibon Saratxaga
Jon Sanchez
Igor Odriozola
Inma Hernaez
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
Speaker identification and verification systems have a poor performance when model training is done in one language while the testing is done in another. This situation is not unusual in multilingual environments, where people should be able to access the system in any language he or she prefers in each moment, without noticing a performance drop. In this work we study the possibility of using features derived from prosodic parameters in order to reinforce the language robustness of these systems. First the features properties in terms of language and session variability are studied, predicting an increase in the language robustness when frame-wise intonation and energy values are combined with traditional MFCC features. The experimental results confirm that these features provide an improvement in the speaker recognition rates under language-mismatch conditions. The whole study is carried out in the Basque Country, a bilingual region in which Basque and Spanish languages co-exist.
Subjective Evaluation of an Emotional Speech Database for Basque
Iñaki Sainz
Ibon Saratxaga
Eva Navas
Inmaculada Hernáez
Jon Sanchez
Iker Luengo
Igor Odriozola
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'08)
This paper describes the evaluation process of an emotional speech database recorded for standard Basque, in order to determine its adequacy for the analysis of emotional models and its use in speech synthesis. The corpus consists of seven hundred semantically neutral sentences that were recorded for the Big Six emotions and neutral style, by two professional actors. The test results show that every emotion is readily recognized far above chance level for both speakers. Therefore the database is a valid linguistic resource for the research and development purposes it was designed for.
Designing and Recording an Emotional Speech Database for Corpus Based Synthesis in Basque
Ibon Saratxaga
Eva Navas
Inmaculada Hernáez
Iker Aholab
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC’06)
This paper describes an emotional speech database recorded for standard Basque. The database has been designed with the twofold purpose of being used for corpus based synthesis, and also of allowing the study of prosodic models for the emotions. The database is thus large, to get good corpus based synthesis quality and contains the same texts recorded in the six basic emotions plus the neutral style. The recordings were carried out by two professional dubbing actors, a man and a woman. The paper explains the whole creation process, beginning with the design stage, following with the corpus creation and the recording phases, and finishing with some learned lessons and hints.