Jetske Adams
Anchors in Embedding Space: A Simple Concept Tracking Approach to Support Conceptual History Research
Jetske Adams
Martha Larson
Jaap Verheul
Michael Boyden
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Historical Language Change
We introduce a simple concept tracking approach to support conceptual history research. Building on the existing practices of conceptual historians, we use dictionaries to identify “anchors”, which represent primary dimensions of meaning of a concept. Then, we create a plot showing how a key concept has evolved over time in a historical corpus in relation to these dimensions. We demonstrate the approach by plotting the change of several key concepts in the COHA corpus.
Doing not Being: Concrete Language as a Bridge from Language Technology to Ethnically Inclusive Job Ads
Jetske Adams
Kyrill Poelmans
Iris Hendrickx
Martha Larson
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Language Technology for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
This paper makes the case for studying concreteness in language as a bridge that will allow language technology to support the understanding and improvement of ethnic inclusivity in job advertisements. We propose an annotation scheme that guides the assignment of sentences in job ads to classes that reflect concrete actions, i.e., what the employer needs people to do, and abstract dispositions, i.e., who the employer expects people to be. Using an annotated dataset of Dutch-language job ads, we demonstrate that machine learning technology is effectively able to distinguish these classes.