Jinseok Nam


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Making Task-Oriented Dialogue Datasets More Natural by Synthetically Generating Indirect User Requests
Amogh Mannekote | Jinseok Nam | Ziming Li | Kristy Elizabeth Boyer | Bonnie J. Dorr
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Indirect User Requests (IURs), such as “It’s cold in here” instead of “Could you please increase the temperature?” are common in human-human task-oriented dialogue and require world knowledge and pragmatic reasoning from the listener. While large language models (LLMs) can handle these requests effectively, smaller models deployed on virtual assistants often struggle due to resource constraints. Moreover, existing task-oriented dialogue benchmarks lack sufficient examples of complex discourse phenomena such as indirectness. To address this, we propose a set of linguistic criteria along with an LLM-based pipeline for generating realistic IURs to test natural language understanding (NLU) and dialogue state tracking (DST) models before deployment in a new domain. We also release IndirectRequests, a dataset of IURs based on the Schema-Guided Dialogue (SGD) corpus, as a comparative testbed for evaluating the performance of smaller models in handling indirect requests.


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Scalable and Robust Self-Learning for Skill Routing in Large-Scale Conversational AI Systems
Mohammad Kachuee | Jinseok Nam | Sarthak Ahuja | Jin-Myung Won | Sungjin Lee
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Track

Skill routing is an important component in large-scale conversational systems. In contrast to traditional rule-based skill routing, state-of-the-art systems use a model-based approach to enable natural conversations. To provide supervision signal required to train such models, ideas such as human annotation, replication of a rule-based system, relabeling based on user paraphrases, and bandit-based learning were suggested. However, these approaches: (a) do not scale in terms of the number of skills and skill on-boarding, (b) require a very costly expert annotation/rule-design, (c) introduce risks in the user experience with each model update. In this paper, we present a scalable self-learning approach to explore routing alternatives without causing abrupt policy changes that break the user experience, learn from the user interaction, and incrementally improve the routing via frequent model refreshes. To enable such robust frequent model updates, we suggest a simple and effective approach that ensures controlled policy updates for individual domains, followed by an off-policy evaluation for making deployment decisions without any need for lengthy A/B experimentation. We conduct various offline and online A/B experiments on a commercial large-scale conversational system to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in real-world production settings.


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What Makes Word-level Neural Machine Translation Hard: A Case Study on English-German Translation
Fabian Hirschmann | Jinseok Nam | Johannes Fürnkranz
Proceedings of COLING 2016, the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: Technical Papers

Traditional machine translation systems often require heavy feature engineering and the combination of multiple techniques for solving different subproblems. In recent years, several end-to-end learning architectures based on recurrent neural networks have been proposed. Unlike traditional systems, Neural Machine Translation (NMT) systems learn the parameters of the model and require only minimal preprocessing. Memory and time constraints allow to take only a fixed number of words into account, which leads to the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem. In this work, we analyze why the OOV problem arises and why it is considered a serious problem in German. We study the effectiveness of compound word splitters for alleviating the OOV problem, resulting in a 2.5+ BLEU points improvement over a baseline on the WMT’14 German-to-English translation task. For English-to-German translation, we use target-side compound splitting through a special syntax during training that allows the model to merge compound words and gain 0.2 BLEU points.

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Medical Concept Embeddings via Labeled Background Corpora
Eneldo Loza Mencía | Gerard de Melo | Jinseok Nam
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)

In recent years, we have seen an increasing amount of interest in low-dimensional vector representations of words. Among other things, these facilitate computing word similarity and relatedness scores. The most well-known example of algorithms to produce representations of this sort are the word2vec approaches. In this paper, we investigate a new model to induce such vector spaces for medical concepts, based on a joint objective that exploits not only word co-occurrences but also manually labeled documents, as available from sources such as PubMed. Our extensive experimental analysis shows that our embeddings lead to significantly higher correlations with human similarity and relatedness assessments than previous work. Due to the simplicity and versatility of vector representations, these findings suggest that our resource can easily be used as a drop-in replacement to improve any systems relying on medical concept similarity measures.

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Improve Sentiment Analysis of Citations with Author Modelling
Zheng Ma | Jinseok Nam | Karsten Weihe
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis


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Learning Semantics with Deep Belief Network for Cross-Language Information Retrieval
Jungi Kim | Jinseok Nam | Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of COLING 2012: Posters