Jiyoon Han
Building Korean Abstract Meaning Representation Corpus
Hyonsu Choe
Jiyoon Han
Hyejin Park
Tae Hwan Oh
Hansaem Kim
Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations
To explore the potential sembanking in Korean and ways to represent the meaning of Korean sentences, this paper reports on the process of applying Abstract Meaning Representation to Korean, a semantic representation framework that has been studied in wide range of languages, and its output: the Korean AMR corpus. The corpus which is constructed so far is a size of 1,253 sentences and its raw texts are from ExoBrain Corpus, a state-led R&D project on language AI. This paper also analyzes the result in both qualitative and quantitative manners, proposing discussions for further development.
Copula and Case-Stacking Annotations for Korean AMR
Hyonsu Choe
Jiyoon Han
Hyejin Park
Hansaem Kim
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Designing Meaning Representations
This paper concerns the application of Abstract Meaning Representation (AMR) to Korean. In this regard, it focuses on the copula construction and its negation and the case-stacking phenomenon thereof. To illustrate this clearly, we reviewed the :domain annotation scheme from various perspectives. In this process, the existing annotation guidelines were improved to devise annotation schemes for each issue under the principle of pursuing consistency and efficiency of annotation without distorting the characteristics of Korean.
Enhancing Universal Dependencies for Korean
Youngbin Noh
Jiyoon Han
Tae Hwan Oh
Hansaem Kim
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018)
In this paper, for the purpose of enhancing Universal Dependencies for the Korean language, we propose a modified method for mapping Korean Part-of-Speech(POS) tagset in relation to Universal Part-of-Speech (UPOS) tagset in order to enhance the Universal Dependencies for the Korean Language. Previous studies suggest that UPOS reflects several issues that influence dependency annotation by using the POS of Korean predicates, particularly the distinctiveness in using verb, adjective, and copula.