Jo Lumsden
A Large-Scale English Multi-Label Twitter Dataset for Cyberbullying and Online Abuse Detection
Semiu Salawu
Jo Lumsden
Yulan He
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Online Abuse and Harms (WOAH 2021)
In this paper, we introduce a new English Twitter-based dataset for cyberbullying detection and online abuse. Comprising 62,587 tweets, this dataset was sourced from Twitter using specific query terms designed to retrieve tweets with high probabilities of various forms of bullying and offensive content, including insult, trolling, profanity, sarcasm, threat, porn and exclusion. We recruited a pool of 17 annotators to perform fine-grained annotation on the dataset with each tweet annotated by three annotators. All our annotators are high school educated and frequent users of social media. Inter-rater agreement for the dataset as measured by Krippendorff’s Alpha is 0.67. Analysis performed on the dataset confirmed common cyberbullying themes reported by other studies and revealed interesting relationships between the classes. The dataset was used to train a number of transformer-based deep learning models returning impressive results.
BullStop: A Mobile App for Cyberbullying Prevention
Semiu Salawu
Yulan He
Jo Lumsden
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations
Social media has become the new playground for bullies. Young people are now regularly exposed to a wide range of abuse online. In response to the increasing prevalence of cyberbullying, online social networks have increased efforts to clamp down on online abuse but unfortunately, the nature, complexity and sheer volume of cyberbullying means that many cyberbullying incidents go undetected. BullStop is a mobile app for detecting and preventing cyberbullying and online abuse on social media platforms. It uses deep learning models to identify instances of cyberbullying and can automatically initiate actions such as deleting offensive messages and blocking bullies on behalf of the user. Our system not only achieves impressive prediction results but also demonstrates excellent potential for use in real-world scenarios and is freely available on the Google Play Store.