Joel D Joy
Rejected Cookies @ Decoding Faux-Hate: Predicting Fake Narratives and Hateful Content
Joel D Joy
Naman Srivastava
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Natural Language Processing (ICON): Shared Task on Decoding Fake Narratives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate)
This paper reports the results of our team for theICON 2024 shared task Decoding Fake Narra-tives in Spreading Hateful Stories (Faux-Hate).The task aims at classifying tweets in a multi-label and multi-class framework. It comprisestwo subtasks: (A) Binary Faux-Hate Detec-tion, which involves predicting whether a tweetis fake (1/0) and/or hate speech (1/0, and (B)Target and Severity Prediction, which cate-gorizes tweets based on their target (Individ-ual, Organization, Religion) and severity (Low,Medium, High). We evaluated Machine Learn-ing (ML) approaches, including Logistic Re-gression, Support Vector Machines (SVM), andRandom Forest; Deep Learning (DL) methods,such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) andBidirectional Encoder Representations fromTransformers (BERT); and innovative quantumhybrid models, like Hybrid Quantum NeuralNetworks (HQNN), for identifying and classi-fying tweets across these subtasks. Our exper-iments trained and compared multiple modelarchitectures to assess their comparative per-formance and detection capabilities in these di-verse modeling strategies.The best-performingmodels achieved F1 scores of 0.72, 0.76, 0.64,and 0.54 for the respective labels Hate, Fake,Target and Severity. We have open-sourced ourimplementation code for both tasks on Github1 .