Jordi Mas


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Community-driven machine translation for the Catalan language at Softcatalà
Xavi Ivars-Ribes | Jordi Mas | Marc Riera | Jaume Ortolà | Mikel Forcada | David Cànovas
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 2)

Among the services provided by Softcatalà, a non-profit 25-year-old grassroots organization that localizes software into Catalan and develops software to ease the generation of Catalan content, one of the most used is its machine translation (MT) service, which provides both rule-based MT and neural MT between Catalan and twelve other languages. Development occurs in a community-supported, transparent way by using free/open-source software and open language resources. This paper briefly describes the MT services at Softcatalà: the offered functionalities, the data, and the software used to provide them.